Musculoskeletal Products

If you have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis or tennis elbow, your doctor may have suggested a wrist splint. We would recommend one like this:-

Vitamin D

All children from birth to 4 yrs old in the UK are recommended to receive Vitamin D supplements. This is important for bone development and a healthy immune system.

Adults can also be low in vitamin D, especially in the UK. Low vitamin D can cause bone pains and has also been linked to low mood. Experts recommend everyone should consider taking a vitamin D supplement. 1000 Units per day is sufficient for most people. Taking too much can be potentially dangerous so avoid taking the high doses such as 10,000 units daily, this will be far too much for most people.

Skin Conditions

Skin tags, warts, verrucas and other unwanted lesions

These are a very common problem and are all usually quite easily treated. They take various forms and are not going to cause any long term harm or turn nasty.

The most common lesions seen by GPs are Seborrhoeic Keratoses or senile warts or more accurately, basal cell papilomas. These often appear as stuck on plaques and can get caught on clothes or be slightly itchy. They can appear in various places but most commonly on the back and chest. Find more information here.

Warts and verrucas are both caused by the same virus, we just call the verrucas when they are on our feet. Left long enough and the body will get rid of them its self. Alternative options are salicylic acid creams such as bazuka or a stronger version called salactol.

Using vaseline around the area, applied with a cotton bud helps to protect the normal skin and makes it less painful.