Which contraception such I choose?

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Under maintenance

Which contraception is best for me?
*Beyond 21 weeks of pregnancy
*1st degree relatives include mother, father, sister, brother or your children
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The combined oral contraceptive is a tablet that you take every day for 21 days and then usually have a 7 day break. Some packs have 7 ED (extra day) pills that don’t have any hormones in. Some women run the packs together with no pill free break so they don’t have a withdrawal bleed.


The progesterone only pill is taken daily without a break. It’s important to take it at a regular time or it may not work effectively.

Hormonal coil

The IUS (Intra Uterine System) is a T-shaped plastic device that is inserted in to the uterus (womb) and stays there for 3-5 years before being removed. Some women will have no period, some will have some irregular bleeding and some will continue having periods. It is a highly effective form of contraception. It can take up to 6 months for your bleeding pattern to settle down so don’t be concerned if things are unsettled to start with.

Copper Coil

Copper coil/IUD. A copper device that is place in the uterus (womb) that contains no hormones and is 99% effective. It has a lifespan of 5-10 years. It can also be used as an emergency contraceptive up to 5 days after unprotected sex and is more effective than the “morning after pill” preventing 99.9% of pregnancies when used in this way. It can make periods heavier, more painful and more frequent.

Contraceptive implant

An implant in the upper arm that lasts for 3yrs in most women

Nuva Ring

Nuva Ring


The contraceptive patch is similar to the COCP but you wear it on the skin and change it once a week.


Often just called ‘The depo’, this is an injection of progesterone once every 12 weeks. It is highly effective but may take up to 18 months before your fertility returns after stopping using it. Also long term use can increase the risk of osteoporosis.


95% effective if used properly and are the best way of preventing sexually transmitted infections. However with normal use they tend to be about 75% effective.


In theory nearly 100% effective however requires an operation, usually under general anaesthetic or to be done during a c-section.

Natural Methods

Natural methods

Partner vasectomy


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